Ozone is formed naturally by the ultraviolet rays of the sun, (photochemical reaction) and lightning (bioelectric reaction). Due to the fact that ozone in a relatively short time, turns back into oxygen, ozone can not be stored and shipped in a container or bottle. Instead, the ozone may be produced on-site by an ozone generator. There are two ways of artificial ozone production (both utilize the principles at which the ozone is produced in nature): using ultraviolet light and by corona discharge. Both of these methods by adding energy to the oxygen molecules, split into single atoms of oxygen (by breaking the binding between the molecule of atomic oxygen). These atoms combine with other oxygen molecules (O2) to produce ozone (O3).

Corona discharge creates ozone by applying high voltage to a metallic grid sandwiched between two dielectrics. The high voltage passes through the dielectric to a grounded screen/plate and in the process, creates ozone from oxygen present in the chamber. Ultra-violet (UV) light creates ozone when a wavelength at 254 nm (nanometers) hits an oxygen atom. Both processes split oxygen molecules into single oxygen atoms (O). Artificially produced ozone is as effective as the naturally occurring, provided that the concentration is carefully controlled.

For the production of ozone, in practice often is used corona discharge due to the larger number of advantages of this method. This method is more cost-efficient (and hence lower production costs) as well as the means for generating ozone are more durable. The feed gas may be atmospheric air or pure oxygen Higher concentrations of ozone can be achieved if pure oxygen is used as the source gas, for example oxygen tanks.


OZONIZER ozonators use method of corona discharge simulating in fact, a lightning strike which produces it naturally. The element producing ozone are corona discharge electrodes, which powered with high voltage (about 3 kV and higher) produce ozone from oxygen contained in the air. This electrical discharge (corona discharge) splits oxygen molecules into two single oxygen atoms. The resulting unstable oxygen atoms combine with other oxygen molecules. This combination forms the ozone molecules.

wytwarzanie ozonu

It is a simple and economical solution. Ozone generators, therefore, do not need any reservoirs, which would have to be supplemented during the operation – it is enough to connect them to electricity. The electrodes are also very durable, can withstand up to 6 000 hours with humidity around 40% – this gives about 4 years of work 4 hours a day Ozone generator can be used, for example, for mold removal of air conditioning and car interiors, decontamination of apartments, hotel rooms, gyms, saunas, animal rooms, for mold removal for bathrooms, basements, refrigerators and domestic air conditioners as well as for decontamination of upholstery, carpets, bedding, clothes and other items.

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