Ozone has a strong and quick action on pathogenic bacteria, like Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridium, Cryptosporidium, and also shows great ability of disposal spores, cysts and many other pathogens.

Bactericidal activity exhibits already in a concentration of 13μg/dm3. The bactericidal action of ozone is about 50 times more efficient and 3000 times faster than chlorine.

Unlike other chemicals ozone acts destructive not only on living microorganisms, but also to some viruses. Attacking and oxidizing the cell walls of microorganisms, ozone reacts with microscopic organisms of bacteria, viruses and fungi, causing their destruction. In addition, ozone also removes vapors of organic substances such as solvents, gasoline, lacquers, paints, natural and synthetic oils and many others

Ozone is not a powerful poison but very rapid oxidant. The minimum threshold concentration of which disinfection begins is 1 g of ozone per 10m3 room (0.1 g/m3). In contrast to the complex of chemicals, ozone is biodegradable to pure oxygen and therefore does not leave behind a toxic intermediates. Not pollutes the environment or accumulate in the tissues of living organisms.

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